Tuesday, June 16, 2020

GROW BIG LEAN MUSCLES Subliminal | 528 Hz | DNA Repair Frequency


How This Audio Can Change Your Life?

This audio is created in a specific way to access your subconscious mind instantly. Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your life's attractions. Fall asleep to these, put these on instead of music, listen to these as much as possible. You don’t need to focus on the words, you don’t need to pay attention, just put them on and go back to whatever you are doing. Your powerful subconscious mind will absorb all the affirmations and make it a reality.

My muscles are growing. My muscles are well defined. I am developing big arms. I always work my muscles with intensity. I use proper weight lifting technique. I am getting subliminal results right now at this moment. I am noticing amazing subliminal results right now at this moment. I am getting super fast results by listening to these hidden affirmations. I am receiving all of these subliminal affirmations straight into my subconscious mind. My muscles receive excellent nutrition and blood flow. Both my upper and lower body are extremely strong. People admire my muscular physique. I always take time to rest my muscles after a tough workout. My muscles are strong and healthy. My subconscious mind agrees to speed up my subliminal affirmations right now at this moment. I will build huge muscles. I will develop a healthy and strong physique. I will achieve remarkable muscle growth. My body will send lots of nutrition and blood to my muscles. I have started noticing that my muscle mass is increasing. I will take the time to rest my muscles and help them grow. This subliminal results booster is penetrating my subconscious mind right now at this moment. A muscular physique will give me confidence. I will become extremely attractive and muscular. My strength is continuing to increase. I will work hard so I can show off my muscles confidently. I love my new subliminal results. I love penetrating my subconscious mind with these powerful subliminal affirmations. My muscles are naturally big. I am naturally strong and muscular. Others admire my large and well defined muscles. I enjoy pushing my muscles to the max. Muscle growth is a top priority in my life. I have a deep yearning to develop more muscle mass. Developing good muscle tone is easy for me to do. Consistency is one of my strongest virtues. I like eating foods that help build strong muscles. My lifestyle enhances my ability to become fit and toned.

How To Use This Audio :

1. Listen 1 Hour Daily Before Bed For 90 Days ( You can loop all night too )
2. Listen at a comfortable volume where you can hear slight whispering.
3. Visualize Your Desire Manifested While Listening ( Optional but this will boost the results)
4. Believe, Have Faith & Let Go

*Please do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery, only listen in a place where you can relax and let go.*

Audio Details:

Format                          Mp3 ( Best Quality ) 

Duration                       1 Hour
Background Music       Water Sounds

Full disclaimer: This recording along with any other recordings on this website should not be used as a substitute for any medical care you may be receiving. You should always refer to a doctor when necessary. Do not listen while driving or operating machinery, only listen in a place where you can relax and let go.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I get from this package ?

- 1 Hour Long Subliminal Audio in MP3 format

What are Subliminals ?

- “Subliminal” means below the threshold of conscious perception. Put simply, subliminal audio refers to sounds played at a level you are unable to perceive consciously – but that your subconscious mind can perceive.

How many times should I listen subliminal?

- Listen once ( 1 hour or at least 20 mins) each day for 3 months for best results

How many days it takes to see the results?

- Results are different person to person. Stronger the belief faster the results. Some people see the results in weeks for some people it takes months. Usually you should get results in 3 months.

Are the results permanent?

- Yes, make sure to listen at least for 3 months.

How many subliminal can I listen everyday?
- You can listen 4-5 subliminal everyday on different topics. I do not recommend more than 5 because  listening 4-5 subliminals will be easier for you to keep track of your progress.

Can I listen subliminal while doing other things?

- Yes, you can listen subliminal while doing other things except driving or working on machinery. Subliminal recording is hypnotic in nature and it can induce a trance like state.

Is there any side effect of subliminal?
- No, subliminal is nothing but positive suggestions masked behind the sounds or music. They can not harm you in any way.

How Is visualization or focusing on images compulsory while listening to your subliminal?

- Visualization or focusing on images is NOT compulsory but it can speed up the results. Focusing on images  send specific message to your brain.

I hear voices of people but I don’t clearly hear what they’re saying

- Subliminal is designed to bypass your critical faculty (logical brain). You can not clearly hear the suggestions but your subconscious mind can understand the messages.

Is it okay to listen these subliminal without headphone? 

- This recording is designed to engage your conscious and subconscious mind to get the changes you desire faster. It is important to use headphones while listening to this recording because different messages are delivered to your left and right ears which will make your subconscious more receptive.

Is it possible to change my physical or facial features using subliminal? 

-Your body is nothing but three dimensional picture of your mind and you can change it anyway you desire.

Full disclaimer: This recording along with any other recordings on this website should not be used as a substitute for any medical care you may be receiving. You should always refer to a doctor when necessary. Do not listen while driving or operating machinery, only listen in a place where you can relax and let go.