Monday, April 20, 2020

Male Combo [ Extreme Male Beauty + Attract Girls + Attract Money/Wealth ]


Benefits Set 1

⚡️ Be handsome, masculine
⚡️ Look dominating and strong
⚡️ Always be extremely attractive
⚡️ Perfect skull shape, proportion and size
⚡️ Warrior skull
⚡️ Flat and short occipital bone
⚡️ Thick and strong neck
⚡️ Smaller neurocranium relative to the splanchocranium
⚡️ perfectly sized lower, mid and upper face
⚡️ Perfect eyeshape that is attractive
⚡️ Medial canthus perfectly downturned
⚡️ Upturned eyeshape
⚡️ Perfectly sized eyes
⚡️ Hooded eyes
⚡️ Extremely attractive eye arch shape.
⚡️ Perfectly thick and dark eyebrows and eyelashes
⚡️ Perfect attractive eye orbits that give you a beautiful eye shape.
⚡️ Vertically compact, projected, perfectly wide orbits
⚡️ Lower eyelid that covers around 2 millimeters of the bottom of your iris
⚡️ Deep set eyes that are well supported by your eye sockets
⚡️ Perfecty elongated medial canthus
⚡️ Release any excessive facial fat
⚡️ Zygomatic bones that are attractive, perfect and well positioned
⚡️ Zygomatic bones that are well proportioned and perfectly protuding
⚡️ Zygomatic bones that are perfectly high and defined.
⚡️ Ogee Curve that is absolutely attractive, distinct and perfectly wide
⚡️ Mid face and lower third face perfectly forward grown
⚡️ Mid face perfectly projected forward
⚡️ Upward and Forward maxilla that is well proportioned in size and shape, well positioned and extremely attractive.
⚡️ Perfect attractive face shape
⚡️ Perfect attractive facial bone structure that is perfect in width.
⚡️ Upturned nose with 90º nasolabial angle + 115º nasofrontal angle
⚡️ Perfectly straight nose bridge
⚡️ Lower third face bones that are gorgeous, symmetrical, and well proportioned
⚡️ Release any excessive lower face fat
⚡️ Concave philtrum that is perfectly sized
⚡️ Perfectly sized attractive lips
⚡️ Perfectly sized chin
⚡️ Perfectly aligned straight teeth
⚡️ Supraorbital ridge that is aligned in prominence to the chin
⚡️ Strong and sharp supraorbital ridge
⚡️ Slopped and short forehead
⚡️ Perfect chin and supraorbital ridge projection
⚡️ Perfect, prominent and defined gonial angle
⚡️Gonial angle that has a perfect 120º angle
⚡️ Perfect dental occlusion
⚡️ Submental region tight to neck with a angle of appox. 90º
⚡️ Perfectly taut submental region
⚡️ Release excessive chin fat
⚡️ Perfect hyoid bone that is well proportionated and perfectly high
⚡️ Correct tongue, head and body posture
⚡️ The correct tongue, body and head posture as natural postures for you
⚡️ Always chew and swallow food correctly
⚡️  Always breathe correctly and through your nose
⚡️ Always sleep with your mouth closed
⚡️ Be extremely photogenic and videogenic.
⚡️ Stunning attractive side profile
⚡️ Front face that is extremely stunning
⚡️ Perfectly symmetrical face with facial features that compliment and are in harmony with each other
⚡️  Healthy self esteem and 
⚡️ self love
⚡️ Accept yourself
⚡️ Attractive laugh and smile
⚡️ Facial expressions that are always attractive

Benefits Set 2 

⚡️ Girls love you
⚡️ Attract girls all the time
⚡️ Beautiful girls are crazy for you
⚡️ Girls compliment your looks and confidence
⚡️ Approach any girl confidently
⚡️ Attract divine love to your life
⚡️ Talk with girls confidently and naturally

Benefits Set 3

⚡️  Money comes to you easily and frequently,
⚡️  You are a money magnet,
⚡️  You are worthy of making more money,
⚡️  You are open to all the wealth life offers you,
⚡️  Money constantly flows to your life,
⚡️  Your actions create constant prosperity,
⚡️  You are aligned with the energy of wealth,
⚡️  Attracting money is super easy for you,
⚡️  Your income is increasing everyday,
⚡️  You only visualise success, 
⚡️  You are the master of your wealth,
⚡️  This subliminal boost your income super fast,
⚡️  You attract huge sums of money everyday,

Audio Details:
Format                          Mp3 ( Best Quality ) 
Duration                       1 Hour
Background Music       Calming Rain Sounds Or Water Sounds

1. Listen for 1 hour daily before bed ( atleast 10 mins a day)
2. Stay Hyrdrated.
3. Let Go of Obsession 
4. Receieve Your Miracle

 **This is a Digital Product. You can listen to this Audio in any music app which can play mp3 files. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I get from this package ?
- 1 Hour Long Subliminal Audio in MP3 format

What are Subliminals ?
- “Subliminal” means below the threshold of conscious perception. Put simply, subliminal audio refers to sounds played at a level you are unable to hear consciously – but that your subconscious mind can perceive.

Subliminal (audio) messages are affirmations that bypass your conscious mind and go straight into your subconscious. These hidden positive affirmations are embedded in the music, just below your hearing level. Because your conscious mind is not aware of the subliminal suggestions underlying the music, it can’t put up barriers against it. That’s why subliminal affirmations avoid any resistance, which would usually hold you back.

Your conscious mind will hear only music… but there is much more happening behind the scenes! With repeated listening, your subconscious mind begins to accept the suggestions as true. Day by day, it’ll become easier for you to reach your goals because you now have tapped into the power source – your subconscious mind.

How many times should I listen subliminal?
- Listen once ( 1 hour or at least 20 mins) each day for 3 months for best results

How many days it takes to see the results?- Results are different person to person. Stronger the belief faster the results. Some people see the results in weeks for some people it takes months. Usually you should get results in 3 months.

Are the results permanent?
- Yes, make sure to listen at least for 3 months.

How many subliminal can I listen everyday?
- You can listen 4-5 subliminal everyday on different topics. I do not recommend more than 5 because  listening 4-5 subliminals will be easier for you to keep track of your progress.

Can I listen subliminal while doing other things?
- Yes, you can listen subliminal while doing other things except driving or working on machinery. Subliminal recording is hypnotic in nature and it can induce a trance like state.

Is there any side effect of subliminal?
- No, subliminal is nothing but positive suggestions masked behind the sounds or music. They can not harm you in any way.

How Is visualization or focusing on images compulsory while listening to your subliminal?
- Visualization or focusing on images is NOT compulsory but it can speed up the results. Focusing on images  send specific message to your brain.

I hear voices of people but I don’t know what they’re saying
- Subliminal is designed to bypass your critical faculty (logical brain). You can not hear the suggestions but your subconscious mind can understand the messages.

Is it okay to listen these subliminal without headphone? 
- This recording is designed to engage your conscious and subconscious mind to get the changes you desire faster. It is important to use headphones while listening to this recording because different messages are delivered to your left and right ears which will make your subconscious more receptive.

Is it possible to change my physical or facial features using subliminal? 
-Your body is nothing but three dimensional picture of your mind and you can change it anyway you desire.

 Are the affirmations listed somewhere?
 -No, subliminal is designed to bypass your critical faculty (logical brain) What is the use of subliminal if you already know the affirmations/suggestions?times should I listen subliminal?